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Human Service Agencies Essay

Human assistance offices are shaped by and for the general population. As people group develop and change, the need to react to the requests...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Civil Legislation and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Civil Legislation and the Law - Essay Example se inner contents cannot be visibly from the outside, and there are no ways and means by which it is possibly for consumers to ascertain the contents of the bottle by viewing it externally. The facts of this case revolved on the perceived lack of care, or tort of negligence, displayed by the manufacture of ginger beer, in that its contents could hold toxic or health hazards, emanating due to issues arising due to lack of care and ordinary diligence, which had resulted in such situations. In this case, the ginger beer drunk by the plaintiff contained the remnants of a decomposed snail, which precipitated distress and illness in the applicant, Mrs. Donoghue and caused her significant health issues which necessitated medical treatment. Subsequently she brought action on the grounds that the manufacture had been liable for â€Å"damage caused by such neglect†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Donoghue (or M’ Alister) v Stevenson: House of Lords [1932] All ER Rep 1). The area of Tort of Negligence could be invoked in this case. She could bring up a suit for damages for injury caused to her due to consumption of contaminated ginger beer, due to apparent negligence on the part of the manufacturer to ensure that the consumable articles are free from harmful ingredients. Lord Atkins, in his rule on the Donoghue case rules This was what she claimed as damages for tort negligence not amounting to Fraud. This is because the case does not invoke any aspect of fraud or misrepresentation. The manufacturers, Stevenson, did not intentionally cause the snail to be placed in the bottle. It is believed that the place where the cleaning of bottles and refilling was conducted, hosted snails and other reptiles. It is quite possible that a snail may have lodged itself in the bottle. Subsequently, the bottle was filled and sealed by agents of the defendant, without inspecting whether the bottle was clean and contained any thing or not. Thus, basic negligence could be attributed to defendants, and his

Monday, February 3, 2020

Steve Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Steve Jobs - Essay Example He worked with NeXT Computer and later on bought the Pixar in 1986. He returned to Apple in 1996 and purchased NeXT the same year. The company introduced products like iMac, iPod, iPad, iTunes, iPhone, Mac OS and many others. Jobs was time and again criticized for his complete mastery towards persuasion and salesmanship. He made keynote speeches and defied the odds (Siegler, 2011). Eventually he resigned in 2011 from Apple Inc. as the CEO but remained as a pivotal Chairman on the company’s board. This was the reason why Apple’s shares dropped around five percent in the after hour trading within the stock exchange. There was so much more that the naked eye could see when one thought of Steve Jobs. He was a born leader who showcased complete control over what he did, thought and showed to the world through the different tools, gadgets and devices. This is the reason why his death is mourned across the board for a number of reasons (Appleyard, 2009). Nearly the entire planet hailed him as an exceptional human being, who changed beliefs, stood up against the tough times no matter these concerned his own personal health domains and the ones he encountered at work. He was considered to be a very wealthy person who did not earn more than $1 million per year as CEO of Apple. He also held 5.426 million shares of Apple and another 138 million Disney shares. His net wealth is estimated at around $8.3 billion when the same was conducted in the year 2010, which made him America’s 42nd wealthiest individual. Steve Jobs was not known for his philanthropic acts in a public manner which is entirely opp osite to how Bill Gates showcases his philanthropic role (Kopun, 2011). However, Steve Jobs was known to have helped the poor and needy through private acts of charity. It was in the year 2003 when Jobs was diagnosed with cancer and in the following year (2004), he announced to the Apple employees that he was suffering from cancer in his pancreas. He died