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Human Service Agencies Essay

Human assistance offices are shaped by and for the general population. As people group develop and change, the need to react to the requests...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Human Service Agencies Essay

Human assistance offices are shaped by and for the general population. As people group develop and change, the need to react to the requests of these dynamic social orders additionally increments. Not exclusively does the general public expose itself to positive chances, it is likewise presented to the negative disadvantages of this dynamism. Actually, there are such a large number of social issues that people alone can't resolve. These are matters concerning the general public that need adequate and suitable consideration likewise from the general public. These organizations do fill in as go-betweens between answers for issues and people, families, and social orders. There are numerous issues that people, families and social orders have that need mutual activity. I accept that these significant issues incorporate the most uncontrolled issues these days experienced by individuals. Indeed, even the most straightforward issues like underage liquor addiction, tranquilize reliance, impulsive betting, across the board crimes†¦ these are social issues that need prompt consideration. Issues beginning in people or inside families additionally require thought. A portion of these are issues of youngster and ladies misuse, brutality inside and outside families, extreme and relentless diseases, including infectious ones, serious enthusiastic unsettling influences experienced by individuals, and such. I think, these ‘simple’ matters must be followed up on promptly by administration associations like human assistance offices. This is to intercede and guarantee legitimate help to people and families, in this manner guaranteeing their security, quietness, wellbeing and health, and the society’s too. I additionally accept that there are no least significant issues, as long as people or families, or individuals from the general public are included, they are viewed as issues that must be resolved†¦ right away. I showed up at this point of view since I myself am an individual from this general public. Legitimately or in a roundabout way, I depend and I may depend later on in these human help offices for advancement, improvement, assurance and so forth. Furthermore, I should not be concerned distinctly about myself yet in addition about the government assistance of the entire society.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Liberia Essay -- Africa

Liberia owes its foundation to the American Colonization Society; established in 1816 to resettle liberated American slaves in Africa. An endeavor at colonization in Sierra Leone had bombed in 1815. After six years local rulers allowed a tract of land on Cape Mesurado, at the mouth of the Saint Paul River, to U.S. delegates, and the first Americo-Liberians, drove by Jehudi Ashmun, started the settlement. In 1824 an American operator for the general public, Ralph Randolph Gurley, named the new state Liberia and the Cape Mesurado settlement Monrovia. Other separate settlements were built up along the coast during the following 20 years. Before long, in any case, clashes emerged between the pioneers and the general public in the United States. When Joseph Jenkins Roberts turned into the main dark senator in 1841, the choice had been made to give the pilgrims practically full control of the legislature. A constitution demonstrated on that of the United States was drawn up, and Liberia tu rned into an autonomous republic in July 1847. Roberts was its first president, serving until 1856. Liberia was perceived by Britain in 1848, by France in 1852 and by the United States in 1862. The Americo-Liberian people group squeezed out a tricky presence during the nineteenth century. Claims over I nterior region were contested not just by the indigenous Mandinka (otherwise called Mandingo or Malinke), Kru, and Gola people groups, yet additionally by European expresses that didn't perceive Liberian ward over the inside. U.S. bolster prompted a progression of concurrences with Britain and France somewhere in the range of 1892 and 1911, which denoted the current limits. (Liberian power over the inside people groups, notwithstanding, was not totally guaranteed until the 1940s.) Loans from Britain and the United States mostly facilitated the nation's money related challenges. Liberia announced war on Germany on August 14, 1917, which gave the Allies an extra base in West Africa duri ng World War I (1914-1918). In 1926 the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company opened an elastic manor on 400,000 hectares (1 million sections of land) of land allowed by the Liberian government the prior year. Elastic creation turned into the pillar of the country's economy. In 1931 the League of Nations affirmed that Americo-Liberians were utilizing local Africans for constrained work, commensurate to servitude. The following outrage embroiled the most elevated government authorities; the president and bad habit presi... ...otestant. Islam has gained ground among the individuals of the inside, who have to a great extent held their animist religions. Through and through, around 70 percent of the individuals follow conventional religions and 20 percent are Muslim. English is Liberia's legitimate language yet is spoken by just around one-fifth of the individuals. The rest of different African dialects which basically have a place with the Mande, West Atlantic, or Kwa etymological gatherings. Intestinal sickness, tuberculosis, yaws, and uncleanliness is pervasive in Liberia. In 2001 normal future during childbirth was 53 years for ladies and 50 years for men; the baby death rate was 132 for each 1,000 live births. A few emergency clinics are worked by the focal government, however no national social-government assistance framework exists. The Compulsory Education Act of 1912 accommodates mandatory, free training for kids between the ages of 6 and 16. Be that as it may, government endeavors to actualize this law are ruined by a shortage of instructive offices, and just 33 percent of grade school-matured kids were accepting training in 1996. Only 71 percent of the populace were educated in 2001. The University of Liberia, in Monrovia and a few schools give advanced education.

Saturday, August 8, 2020


Etsy © Shutterstock.com | 360bEtsy is a popular ecommerce platform that serves a niche market of sellers. In this article we will look at 1) what is Etsy,  2) selling successfully on Etsy, 3) advantages and disadvantages of selling on Etsy, 4) taking precautions, and 5) Etsy success stories.WHAT IS ETSY?The CompanyA popular ecommerce website, Etsy is a platform for the sale and purchase of handmade or vintage products. In newer guidelines, relatively unique items that are factory made can also be sold. The product range has considerable variety including art, photography, clothes, jewelry, food, beauty products, quilts, toys and a many other items.Etsy has strict guidelines that must be adhered to by all sellers. This used to include a ban on non-handmade items which as relaxed in October 2013. Any vintage items must be at least 20 years old. The website functions like a craft fair, where each seller has their own storefront and list items for a small fee.By August 2013, the site had 30 million registered members and projections for the same year included 1 million sellers and over $1 billion worth of transactions.The Business ModelEtsy has differentiated itself from other ecommerce platforms by its focus on unique, handmade or vintage crafts and products. Products are displayed in artistic styles rather than in more commercial catalogue styles. Sellers on Etsy include part time sellers, hobbyists, professional artists and full time sellers.Two  key areas have made the Etsy business model a success.Community Engagement: Sellers create personalized stores that encourage authenticity, reliability and a way to do business in a friendly and sustainable manner.New Tools and Educational Material to Support Sellers: Through Etsy created tools and guides as well as support from the community, there is always an effort to help sellers gain more out of their stores and help new sellers establish themselves.Selling on EtsyAfter creating a username, potential sellers can decid e a shopname and setup a shop. Etsy will charge a small fee of $0.20 for each item listed in the store. The listing is valid for 4 months on the shop page, or until the product is sold. The price for each item is set by the shop’s owner but Etsy will charge 3.5% of this price per listing. These fees are invoiced at the end of each month and must be paid within 15 days. Sellers can chose payment options to offer to their buyers including credit/debit cards and PayPal among others.Buying on EtsyEtsy has a simple interface that is easy to navigate. The main page allows a buyer to choose an option, pick a category or enter a product description in the search field. Products are divided into categories and sub-categories. If a product is selected, the seller’s rating can be viewed for reliability and the product can be added to the cart. To purchase, the buyer must also create an Etsy account. No charges are incurred by the buyer at any point except the listed item’s price and ship ping costs.How to on Etsy Opening a Shop, Fees, and Listing HOW TO SELL SUCCESSFULLY ON ETSYSelling successful on Etsy is more than just creating a store and listing some items. There needs to be a coherent plan accompanied by smart e-selling strategy. Some useful learning can be gleaned from the experience of existing Etsy sellers.Tips from Etsy Seller CommunityTreat Etsy like a Real Business: As mentioned, Etsy is not a magic solution. To create a successful profit making business, the Etsy store needs to be treated like a real business with a clear business plan and strategy mapped out.Follow Etsy Guidelines: Esty has specific rules of what can be sold and what cannot be. It is important to read these guidelines thoroughly and follow them completely.Be Part of the Community: Within Etsy, there is a lot of focus on the community, in terms of support and learning. It is a good idea to offer feedback, ask for advice and help promote other items that you like and your customers may appreciate. This will help gain supporters from within the community who will then help you market your brand.Conduct Market Analysis: Given the number of competitors and constantly evolving trends, it is a good idea to look through the Etsy community and benchmark some successful stores. Understand what they are selling and how they are selling it. Take the time to learn from them. It is important to study competitors and similar products to analyze pricing and quality as well as special offers.Have an Interesting About Section: A public profile, which is the about section, can be a great way to tell your story to a browsing potential buyer. People like an interesting story and a real person to relate to. This may end up being a key differentiating element of your shop.Focus on Photography and Photos: A vital component of a successful Etsy store is product photography. Since buyers cannot experience the product in person before they choose to buy it, the next best thing is to have engaging and attractive photos that show off the product and all its features. The photos should be detailed, clear, taken from different angles and be generally attractive. This user lists useful photography guides.Determine the Right Price: It is imperative that you understand your product, the cost of making it, time spent on the creation, shipping costs and its value to a potential client. All these aspects will help establish a realistic price for the product that will help ensure that you neither undersell your product nor oversell it.Clearly Mention Policies: If you have any policies relating to purchase or shipping ensure that they are clearly mentioned and easy to understand. Review periodically to make sure they are updated and relevant.Use Announcements: Use the announcements section to keep your store updated and information flowing. If there is a new product added, a discount or a special offer announce it and make sure it is made up of the right keywords.Focus on Build ing your Brand: There are thousands of Etsy sellers selling thousands of products. To stand out from the crowd, it is a necessary step to build up your brand. By becoming part of the community, creating and maintaining a blog and contributing to other blogs, you can build up your own brand as well as for your store. A strong store name, a simple but catchy logo and a ensuring that this is displayed prominently across your store, packaging and advertisements will help establish brand visibility.Understand Your Target Audience Market: Both selling online or in physical stores requires a solid understanding of who you are selling to. It is a good idea to ask yourself whether the audience is male or female, what their ages and occupations are, what their buying power is and what their needs are. All these help sell to the right audience at the right price.Work on Search Engine Optimization: A little research into SEO can go a long way towards helping grow a fledgling business. With the right use of keywords, an Etsy shop can be placed high up in google searches. It is a good idea to identify shopper intent to see what kind of words or phrases they are likely to search with. It is also a good idea to determine the search volume of a keyword. If it is too high volume, it will be difficult to place high in the search results. Conversely, a too obscure word may not be searched enough to make an impact. There needs to be a balance between volume and a niche to ensure that there is less competition but still searchability.Work on Social Media Marketing: Marketing through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest helps increase visibility, followers and potential buyers at relatively no cost to the seller. It also helps build more personal relationships with potential buyers, adding a layer of reliability and credibility which can greatly encourage buying behavior.Provide Great Customer Service: Customers are more likely to return to an Etsy store i f they experience great customer service. Make sure that you answer any queries or comments promptly, politely and with a personal touch. Building trust will go a long way towards loyal customers and customer recommendations.Send Samples to the Right People: Bloggers and relevant media people can be great ways to gain endorsements for your products. Free samples can lead to positive reviews and visibility among their followers. Often, smaller businesses also gain popularity with celebrities which are extremely important sources of advertising. It is important to create a fun interesting product or another differentiating feature that excites these people about your product.Make Sure you Have Fun: As long as creative business stays fun and not a task to be done, it will remain an exciting endeavor. It is fails to be so, then it is a good idea to change things around to keep things interesting and challenging. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SELLING ON ETSYEtsy is one of the largest o nline platforms for selling handmade and unique products and crafts. However, it is not always an easy task to sell successfully through the website. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of the platform are:AdvantagesStrong Reputation: The website has managed to create a name for itself worldwide and thus brings with it a certain level of credibility. There are also hundreds of blogs and forum discussions which help get started selling on Etsy and offer continued support.User Friendly Website: The website is easy to navigate and use. It is quite simple to set up a shop, customize it and list items to sell. It is similarly simple to find and purchase productsStrong Community: Given its reputation, there are people from all over the world registered as users on Etsy. This means there are lots of support blogs, forums and discussions to learn. There are also many ways to get good advice and support other businesses.Reasonable Cost: Though there are costs associated with selling you r product on Etsy, it is still more reasonable then investing in your own website or selling on other platforms. It can be a good idea to start selling on Etsy and eventually decide whether other ways of selling need to be explored.Worldwide Reach: The Etsy community of buyers and sellers are geographically dispersed all over the world. This offers buyers more choices and sellers more access to a larger audience to sell to.Interactivity: Etsy allows feedback on a product without even purchasing it. This offers a seller valuable feedback when a product remains unsold.Digital Products: Along with physical products, Etsy also allows the sale of online or digital products such as crotchet prints, sewing patterns or other similar items. These can be emailed to a customer on receiving payment.DisadvantagesCrowded Marketplace: Given its reputation and popularity, Etsy is full of sellers often selling similar things. This makes the market very competitive and there is a constant need to evo lve and stay ahead.Costly: Though more reasonable than other alternates, there are still costs associated with selling on Etsy. It is a good idea to keep an eye on these costs to ensure that it remains worthwhile to sell products through the platform.No HTML Options: There are limited options to customize the shop and listings as the website does not allow HTML customization. Only the banner can be customized which can often lead to a less interesting storefront that may get lost in the crowd.Selling Successfully Is Hard Work: Because of increased competitiveness, it is an uphill task to establish a brand and a loyal customer base. It is necessary to have a business plan and to understand the ins and outs of selling and marketing online. There needs to be an understanding of search engine optimization, blogging, the use of social media as an advertising and networking tool and how to keep costs low. TAKING PRECAUTIONSAs a seller, there are several common dangers that threaten safe b usiness practices. These scams can result in a loss of products, loss of money or bad reputation on Etsy in the form of negative feedback from an unsuccessful scammer.Avoiding Common Etsy ScamsThere is a possibility that a after a purchase is made, the buyer may contact the seller and ask to send to a different address than is listed in their Etsy and PayPal account. If the seller complies, they will have to refund the customer if they claim to have never received the item. The scammer will get to keep both the product and the refund amount. The seller will have to bear the cost of the transaction.If the seller refuses to ship to the alternate address, the customer have lash out by leaving negative feedback which is an undesirable situation in an Etsy store. To avoid this, the seller may have to offer a refund or send the item to the different address.In a similar scenario, a customer could claim to have moved and never received the item because the seller refused to send to a new a ddress that was different from the PayPal address. This again leads to the same situation as above with either a bad review or lost money and products.ETSY SUCCESS STORIESDave Conrey compiles a list of successful Etsy shops. The top seller in this list is an accessories store called Three Bird Nest.Three Bird NestWhat is it?Headbands and AccessoriesAverage Quantity Sold per Month2,300Average Price$28Average Revenue Per Month$65,000The StoryAlicia Shaffer started her successful business in November 2011 on a whim. A boutique owner, she decided to create some basic headbands to stock in her store. Following their success, she decided to sell a few on Etsy to supplement her income. Alicia named the shop after her three kids and a tattoo that she had of her three birds in a nest.Her store quickly took off, with Alicia attributing the initial success to Christmas and holiday shopping. Though it was an extremely stressful time with the rush to fulfill handmade product orders, it was also a time of discovery and joy at the warm reception by her customers. She decided to continue with the store and stocked up spring items such as scarves for the next season. Her store continued to thrive until eventually she sold off her physical store to dedicate her time to her successful online store on Etsy.Within 18 months, Three Bird Nest became one of the fastest growing Etsy shops and now has its own online store as well. Alicia employs several full time staff members to both produce the items and run the store operations smoothly.Reasons for SuccessAccording to Conrey, there are several factors that have contributed to Three Bird Nest’s (3BN) success. There include:There is excellent SEO and keyword use and consistency across all 3BN listings, including their headers and descriptions. This creates a network of sorts that keeps the products higher up in searchesThe shop sells a few thousand products a month, which means new products are listed frequently which keeps the stor e relevant during a search.3BN uses captivating people in product shots rather than mannequins which makes the product appear more appealing. The quality and variety of the photos also contributes to this.3BN has created a presence across relevant social media. When the name is entered into a google search, 3BN appears on not only Etsy and Facebook but also an independent site, a Pinterest page and a blog. A combination of these creates a strong presence across channels.3BN has been featured on many blogs that are popular in the fashion and design spheres. These add to the links that lead back to the store and create visibility and publicity.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Effects Of Bullying On Academic Achievement - 1468 Words

Main findings Before stating the mains findings of the study it is important to mention that the researchers’ hypotheses were, that the victims of bullying in 10th grade will have lower achievement in 12th grade regardless of their race/ethnic background and that high-achieving black and Latino students, as indicated by 9th-grade GPA, will be more vulnerable to bullying. In contrast they expect that low-achieving Asian students, as indicated by 9th grade GPA, will be especially susceptible to bullying. Their main focus was to examine how bullying affects academic achievement. After conducting their research, the researchers came to the conclusion that although family background and school characteristics notably affects students’ performance, bullying also have significant influence in students’ educational achievement. As stated in the research article their studying found that bullying decreases 12th grade GPA after considering key student and school characteristics associat e with achievement. Moreover, they concluded that the impact of bullying has an abiding effect on students’ academic achievement even after the bullying incident. The second finding of the study gave partial support for their second hypothesis which suggested that Asian, Black, and Latinos students were going to be more likely to experience bullying when they did not meet their stereotype. According to research Asian students are perceived to be high achievers, thus the researchers’ theory suggestedShow MoreRelatedDoes Bullying Affect A Child s Academic Achievement / Performance? Essay1746 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction DON’T FORGET TO CITE PROPERLY Title: How and why does bullying in primary school affect a child’s academic achievement/performance? Change from primary school to primary and middle school Abstract: Introduction: (is this the correct way of doing it) The research question for this paper is â€Å"How and why does bullying in primary school affect a child’s academic achievement/performance†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦um†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦................... Bullying is said to occur when a child is the target of any behaviourRead MoreThe Relationship Between Peer Victimization And Academic Achievement1354 Words   |  6 PagesI have been reading about the relationship between peer victimization (bullying, cyberbullying, and/or other types of abuse) and academic achievement. By design, I chose studies that were each focused on a participant groups of a different age. Gaining a deeper understanding of these potential connections would be valuable to anyone involved in creating positive environments where children and teens can learn and thrive. 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K., Green, J. G., Reid, G., DiMeo, A., Espelage, D. L., Felix, E. D., Furlong, M. J., Poteat, V. P., Sharkey, J. D., (2014). Associations between past bullying experiences and psychosocial and academic functioning among college students. Journal of American College HealthRead MoreEffects Of Social Networking On Youth And Middle Age Adults930 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many effects on social networking. In my research paper, I will explain some of those effects, as well as providing examples. A few social media’s I will be going over will be Instagram, Facebook Twitter. What is social networking? It’s an easier and quick way of communication for the youth middle age adults. From my understanding, social media was built to help people connect outside their normal lives, stay connected with those they’ve met thru work, meetings etc. Also, to find peopleRead MoreBullying in School: Counselors’ Strategies for Prevention Essay1373 Words   |  6 PagesBullying is defined as â€Å"verbal, physical, or psychological abuse or teasing accompanied by real or perceived imbalance of power† and is usually targets what children perceive as different (Olweus, 1993). Bullying is prevalent across the nation. It has devastating effects on students each day. Bullying is a problem for all students, regardless of race, gender or class. The National Education Association reports that 160,000 children are absent intentionally from school each day because they fear beingRead MoreSelf-Esteem And Self Esteem950 Words   |  4 PagesA bullied student’s self-esteem can be defined as the belief of who they are as a person. 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(p. 4)† The effects of such a culture are well-supported, with research demonstrating that a positive school climate can have a strong influence on the motivation to learn (Eccles et al., 1993), reduces the impact of socioeconomic status on school success (Astor, Benbenisty, Estrada, 2009), contributes to lower rates of school violence (Gregory et al., 2010; Karcher, 2002a) and results in a decrease in bullying behavior (Kosciw Elizabeth, 2006; Meyer-AdamsRead MoreNegative Effects Of Bullying On Children837 Words   |  4 Pages12/20/17 Megan Castles The Effects of Bullying in Children Bullying has become more of an issue that is threatening our younger generation today. Bullying is becoming more of a vicious act in public schools throughout the United States (Coloroso, 2003; Felix McMahon, 2006). There are many adverse effects that are caused by this disgraceful act. The average school-age child is silently or overtly tormented on a daily basis. Many of these students who experience bullying feel that they have no oneRead MoreBullying Is A Common Practice On School Grounds954 Words   |  4 Pages As a mother of two kids, bullying in schools is very important and personal subject to me. The problem is so extensive, lately it has been all over the media .According to research; bullying is when a person demonstrates an aggressive behavior and or constant toward another person. These behaviors are intended to hurt and intimidate the person physically, mentally and emotionally (stopbullying.gov 2015). Although many schools have been struggling to prevent bullying, data shows that is it a common

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Proposed a water theme park with a five star resort Free Essays

The proposal of water theme water with a five star resort built on Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey Location The water theme park will be located in Llanddwyn Island, Anglesey. Llanddwyn Island is a small tidal island off the west coast of Anglesey, North Wales. It provides excellent views of Snowdonia and the liyn Peninsula. We will write a custom essay sample on Proposed a water theme park with a five star resort or any similar topic only for you Order Now Access to this island will be by boat or drive through A55 to Anglesey. The Golden Bench Hotel This is going to be located around the coast next to the nice sandy white bench. It’s going to have 3000 rooms. It has a lot that people can do here and the staff are extremely friendly. Some activity we offer in the hotel: * tennis count, * spa * sonar * basketball count * bench party * clubs for the children , teenagers so the parents can relax on the bench * Fitness class * Massage * Gold course * Satellite TV * Beauty Salon * bar * coffee shop * broadband internet * shuttle bus The Speedo water theme park This is going to be the biggest water theme park in Europe. With an area of more than 2000 thousand square meters. The park is divided into 5 separate zones with a different theme which not just only the kids will enjoy it, the elders will as well as the adults. These include: Slide and splash, Aqua land, 7 seas, the big plunge and the Infant Island; this is where the kid’s zone is in the water park. It’s base on the theme of praties. This is where the shallow pool will be set and there is a family pool where the parents can spend some quality times with their children. Also there is a kid’s pool which is especially design for the safety of children under 11. It has many mini water rides that the children will enjoy while the parents can sit back and relax. The extreme part of the water park has to be the big plunge; this is where all the massive rides are located including the Tornado which there is only four in the world. This is the ride that has taken the world by storm and this will be Europe’s first tornado. Riders ride on specially designed four clover leaf tubes that can carry up to four riders. Riders take the plunge into a large fiberglass cone that gives them the experience of being sucked into a tornado. There are more water rides offer to children and parents in this part of the park. If that’s a bit overexciting, why not go to Aqua land zone. This part is more for people that want to relax and calm. Like the lazy river they have offer in this zone, this is the longest lazy river in the world. It’s a 1.1kilometer long continuous river in which water moves slowly and continuously. Guests can lie back and relax in the specially designed rubber ring as they float around the river. To add extra excitement to the lazy river, we have a special action river section, which produces one-meter waves. Also we have a huge swimming pool for the people that want to swim and relax. Next to the pool there is a cozy bar where people can have a drink and have convection with their friends. If that’s a bit boring for the teens, why not go to the slide and splash zones. This is where all the rides are situated which guests experience the master blaster. It is a fast moving roller coaster. It takes guests for an incredible ride in a double tubes racing up and down hills for more than 300 meters. Also guests can experience the wizard; this is a fast and furious ride which young people will enjoy. Eight riders will begin the race at the top of the 20 meters towers. After completing a full circle with high speed, all eight riders will then enter the straight section and race down to the bottom. If that doesn’t sound scary enough, why not try the inner tube rides. There are three open waterslides running for 100 meters. Guests start from the top of the fifteen meters hill and rapidly fall through twists and turns to the slash down pool below. They are ride in groups of two on the special designed double rubber ring. 7seas zone is where all the pool is placed; wave pool is one of them. This is going to be the world biggest wave pool which is a wave pool and can also be a pool for boogie boarding. There is ten minutes when the waves are on where guests may swim in the pool or use a tube to surf on the waves. Then there is a relaxation period for the next ten minutes when the waves are off, allowing for calm water swimming to swim. Also the rain fortress is situated in this part of the park. It has various water rides and water activity which it can give endless of fun for all ages. Tipping buckets, water cannons, slides and secret ladders are some of the special features of the Rain Fortress. The poop view shopping centre This is going to be build next to the hotel where the guests can just walk through the cover way to enter the shopping complex. There is going to be over 1000 shops in the shopping centre where all the brand names are placed like Chanel, LV, Guggi, Hugo Boss. Also there is a food count which various kinds of food are been sell. Activity We have a lot to offer to the guest in Kwans resort. Some activity that people may enjoy: * Special romantic dinner on the bench * Party every night on the bench for the teenagers * Activity groups where younger people can have opportunity to do water sport. Also they can have a chance of making new friends. * Also our hotel have Spa, massage and other activity that guest may enjoy * There are a casino for people that like to glebe * Shopping till you fall on the floor * We have a 15000 seated stadium for live entrainments live a concert or even a football or rugby match Open hours Water park- mon-sats 9am till 7pm -sun 11am till 7pm Shopping centre -mon- sun 10am-9pm Casino-open all times Prices Hotel- standard room à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½600 Double room à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½900 Luxury room à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1500 Water park entrances child – à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100 Adult- à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½200 Conclusion Over all I think this is a good project and it’s going to create new jobs for people. Not just creating work for people, this is going to raise the tourist attraction because all round Europe people will want to come and take a break after their effect that they put in their jobs. How to cite Proposed a water theme park with a five star resort, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Theoretical Perspectives in Relation to Personal

Question: 1.Describe theoretical perspectives in relation to personal, social and emotional development. Analyse how theoretical perspectives in relation to personal, social and emotional development inform current frameworks? Answer: Personal development of children: Children are very important part of an individuals life and and probably the most important part of a society or nation as they are the future representatives of that particular nation or society. Therefore, right development of a child in physical emotional and personal level is very important. Modern childcare emphasize upon less tedious work and more play time for the child. Personal development of a child includes behavioral development as well as communicational development. Parents are directly involved in the personal development of children. On a daily basis, a child interacts with his/her family. He or she grows with the norms, values, beliefs and traditions of the family. Therefore, this coordination will be the most prominent factor in the childs own morals. In Qatar parents and families are now a days have become an open system and very interactive with their child. This helps increase the social skills and any behavioral issues a child may encounter in his or her life. Social development: From the very early age, children start developing social skills, which includes communicative skills as well. Children learn these skills in the early childhood from their parents and the family they belong. Parents monitor and assess their children almost every minute and the information they gather about their child and guide them according to their individual needs and interests. They provide their child the opportunity to move from one stage to the next by using rich language, good speech, communication, manners and practice hygiene. However, society also helps in a childs development. When children are exposed to schools and playgroup, they start communicating outside their family and as children are fast and very good learners they easily adopt the norms outside their family. This may influence a child in both positive and negative way depending upon what the child is learning. Emotional development: Emotional development of a child depends upon four primary factors; the family they are raised in, the culture they belong to, the early experiences they encounter and if they face any biological challenge. Biological challenge may be either physical or mental. In both the cases children face difficulty communicating to others of their age and their emotional development may suffer for it. There are many institutes and organizations in Qatar, who deal with disabled children. Parents may seek their help while raising such children. No matter whether the child is physically and mentally sound or not it is very important to deal with a childs physical and emotional need with patience and care. References: Dowling, M., 2014.Young children's personal, social and emotional development. Sage. Huang, J., Sherraden, M., Kim, Y. and Clancy, M., 2014. Effects of child development accounts on early social-emotional development: an experimental test.JAMA pediatrics,168(3), pp.265-271. Neihart, M., Pfeiffer, S. and Cross, T., 2015.The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know Sourcebooks, Inc.. Keenan, T., Evans, S. and Crowley, K., 2016.An introduction to child development. Sage.