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Human assistance offices are shaped by and for the general population. As people group develop and change, the need to react to the requests...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Effects Of Bullying On Academic Achievement - 1468 Words

Main findings Before stating the mains findings of the study it is important to mention that the researchers’ hypotheses were, that the victims of bullying in 10th grade will have lower achievement in 12th grade regardless of their race/ethnic background and that high-achieving black and Latino students, as indicated by 9th-grade GPA, will be more vulnerable to bullying. In contrast they expect that low-achieving Asian students, as indicated by 9th grade GPA, will be especially susceptible to bullying. Their main focus was to examine how bullying affects academic achievement. After conducting their research, the researchers came to the conclusion that although family background and school characteristics notably affects students’ performance, bullying also have significant influence in students’ educational achievement. As stated in the research article their studying found that bullying decreases 12th grade GPA after considering key student and school characteristics associat e with achievement. Moreover, they concluded that the impact of bullying has an abiding effect on students’ academic achievement even after the bullying incident. The second finding of the study gave partial support for their second hypothesis which suggested that Asian, Black, and Latinos students were going to be more likely to experience bullying when they did not meet their stereotype. According to research Asian students are perceived to be high achievers, thus the researchers’ theory suggestedShow MoreRelatedDoes Bullying Affect A Child s Academic Achievement / Performance? Essay1746 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction DON’T FORGET TO CITE PROPERLY Title: How and why does bullying in primary school affect a child’s academic achievement/performance? 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